Centro de Investigaciones en Salud Indígena
El Centro de Investigación de Salud Indígena (CISI) fue creado en el año 2007 por un grupo multidisciplinario de investigadores de Wuqu´ Kawoq | Maya Health Alliance , con el objetivo de avanzar en las investigaciones científicas sobre las necesidades de salud de las comunidades, basados en nuestra trayectoria de liderazgo en el desarrollo de soluciones prácticas para mejorar la calidad de atención médica en comunidades rurales e indígenas de Guatemala.
Temas Centrales de Investigación
Los temas centrales de Investigación del CISI comparten enfoques metodológicos, especialmente métodos mixtos, antropología aplicada y ciencia de la implementación:
Desnutrición Crónica y Seguridad Alimentaria
Enfermedades no transmisibles, como el cáncer, diabetes y enfermedad renal crónica
Sociedad Civil y el estudio del Desarrollo y Equidad de Género en la salud
Desarrollo Infantil temprano
Planificación Familiar
Partería y Emergencia Obstétrica
Antropología Médica
Proyectos de Investigación
Resumen de los principales proyectos actuales y recientes

Este proyecto interdisciplinario reunirá a académicos y organizaciones comunitarias de Canadá, Brasil y Guatemala. Explorará las experiencias vividas durante la pandemia por organizaciones y activistas de servicios y salud “pequeños” y “locales”.
SOCIOS: La Universidad de Manitoba
FINANCIAMIENTO: New Frontiers in Research Fund

Este proyecto se basa en el programa de salud móvil de larga data de Wuqu’ Kawoq, pero ahora se centra en iniciativas específicas de mejora de la calidad (incluye soporte mejorado en la toma de decisiones mediante teléfonos inteligentes en tiempo real) para detectar complicaciones neonatales y prevenir muertes neonatales.
SOCIOS: Emory University
FINANCIAMIENTO: Google Nonprofit Foundation

Este proyecto trabaja en colaboración con el Ministerio de Salud y el INCAP para ampliar el tratamiento de la diabetes y la hipertensión en los establecimientos de salud públicos de todo el país.
FINANCIAMIENTO: World Diabetes Foundation

En entornos de bajos recursos, las altas tasas de mortalidad perinatal se deben en parte a los desafíos para acceder a tecnologías asequibles para detectar y monitorear condiciones materno-fetales de alto riesgo, como la restricción del crecimiento intrauterino y la preeclampsia. Para abordar estos problemas, utilizaremos inteligencia artificial para desarrollar técnicas para predecir la restricción del crecimiento intrauterino y la preeclampsia a partir de registros Doppler fetales y maternos portátiles de bajo costo.
SOCIOS: Emory University

Estudiaremos el papel de la exposición a las aflatoxinas en el crecimiento infantil y si el efecto de las aflatoxinas está mediado por el microbioma intestinal y la inflamación. Evaluaremos la exposición a las aflatoxinas y examinaremos los marcadores de inflamación, la composición y función del microbioma intestinal, la extracción de nutrientes microbianos y la biotransformación microbiana de las aflatoxinas.
SOCIOS: ASU- Arizona State University

La enfermedad renal crónica de origen desconocido (ERCd) se ha cobrado un precio terrible en las familias trabajadoras jóvenes que viven en las zonas rurales de América Central. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo identificar los factores de riesgo para la ERCDu y la disminución de la función renal en cuatro países centroamericanos: Costa Rica, Panamá, Nicaragua y Guatemala. Este trabajo se llevará a cabo a través de la red SALTRA (Programa Centroamericano de Salud, Trabajo y Medio Ambiente) que conecta universidades locales, ONG, organizaciones gubernamentales, autoridades de salud pública y trabajadores de la salud locales.
SOCIOS:Programa Salud, Trabajo y Ambiente (SALTRA) , (UNA) Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Strasma A, Reyes ÁM, Aragón A, López I, Park LP, Hogan SL, Thielman N, Wyatt C, González-Quiroz M. Kidney disease characteristics, prevalence, and risk factors in León, Nicaragua: a population-based study. BMC Nephrol. 2023 Nov 12;24(1):335. doi: 10.1186/s12882-023-03381-1. PMID: 37953252; PMCID: PMC10641961.
Gonzalez-Quiroz M, Heggeseth B, Camacho A, Oomatia A, Al-Rashed AM, Zhang Y, McCreight A, Jewell N, Aragon A, Nitsch D, Pearce N, Caplin B. Population-level detection of early loss of kidney function: 7-year follow-up of a young adult cohort at risk of Mesoamerican nephropathy. Int J Epidemiol. 2024 Feb 1;53(1):dyad151. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyad151. Erratum in: Int J Epidemiol. 2023 Nov 29;: PMID: 37930052; PMCID: PMC10859140.
Strasma A, Reyes ÁM, Aragón A, López I, Park LP, Hogan SL, Thielman N, Wyatt C, González-Quiroz M. Kidney disease characteristics, prevalence, and risk factors in León, Nicaragua: a population-based study. BMC Nephrol. 2023 Nov 12;24(1):335. doi: 10.1186/s12882-023-03381-1. PMID: 37953252; PMCID: PMC10641961.
Gonzalez-Quiroz M, Heggeseth B, Camacho A, Oomatia A, Al-Rashed AM, Zhang Y, McCreight A, Jewell N, Aragon A, Nitsch D, Pearce N, Caplin B. Population-level detection of early loss of kidney function: 7-year follow-up of a young adult cohort at risk of Mesoamerican nephropathy. Int J Epidemiol. 2024 Feb 1;53(1):dyad151. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyad151. Erratum in: Int J Epidemiol. 2023 Nov 29;: PMID: 37930052; PMCID: PMC10859140.

Los objetivos de este proyecto son desarrollar y determinar la efectividad de una tecnología de teléfono inteligente mHealth que se puede usar para involucrar a los cuidadores primarios directamente en el monitoreo activo del desarrollo de sus bebés, y para proporcionar retroalimentación y apoyo personalizados para la provisión de cuidado cariñoso y cariñoso. resultados positivos del desarrollo infantil.
SOCIOS: CHLA-Children’s Hospital Los AngelesFINANCIAMIENTO: NIH / NICHD (PI Beth Smith, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles) NCT05106894

El objetivo de este estudio es realizar una evaluación híbrida de eficacia/implementación de la Guía internacional para el seguimiento del desarrollo infantil (GMCD, por sus siglas en inglés) en dos entornos de LMIC, India y Guatemala, dentro de programas de CHW rurales establecidos. Los objetivos principales son (a) evaluar la eficacia real del GMCD; (b) utilizar un marco científico de implementación para comprender las barreras y los facilitadores para una cobertura de población efectiva, implementación de proveedores y mantenimiento; (c) realizar una evaluación económica de la GMCD.
SOCIOS: Brigham and Women’s Hospital
FINANCIAMIENTO: NIH / NICHD (PI Peter Rohloff, Brigham and Women´s Hospital, Inc.) NCT05106894
Bandal A, Hernández S, Mustafa R, Choy K, Edwards N, Guarchaj M, Mejía Alvarez M, Sane A, Tschida S, Maliye C, Miller A, Raut A, Srinivasan R, Turner M, Wagenaar BH, Ertem I, Grazioso MDP, Gupta SS, Krishnamurthy V, Rohloff P. Methodology for adapting a co-created early childhood development intervention and implementation strategies for use by frontline workers in India and Guatemala: a systematic application of the FRAME-IS framework. Glob Health Action. 2024 Dec 31;17(1):2338324. doi: 10.1080/16549716.2024.2338324. Epub 2024 May 10. PMID: 38726569; PMCID: PMC11089920.
Raut A, Mustafayev R, Srinivasan R, Chary A, Ertem I, Grazioso MDP, Gupta S, Krishnamurthy V, Lu C, Maliye C, Miller AC, Wagenaar BH, Rohloff P. Hybrid type 1 effectiveness/implementation trial of the international Guide for Monitoring Child Development: protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2021 Sep 15;5(1):e001254. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2021-001254. PMID: 34604546; PMCID: PMC8444252.
Bandal A, Hernández S, Mustafa R, Choy K, Edwards N, Guarchaj M, Mejía Alvarez M, Sane A, Tschida S, Maliye C, Miller A, Raut A, Srinivasan R, Turner M, Wagenaar BH, Ertem I, Grazioso MDP, Gupta SS, Krishnamurthy V, Rohloff P. Methodology for adapting a co-created early childhood development intervention and implementation strategies for use by frontline workers in India and Guatemala: a systematic application of the FRAME-IS framework. Glob Health Action. 2024 Dec 31;17(1):2338324. doi: 10.1080/16549716.2024.2338324. Epub 2024 May 10. PMID: 38726569; PMCID: PMC11089920.
Raut A, Mustafayev R, Srinivasan R, Chary A, Ertem I, Grazioso MDP, Gupta S, Krishnamurthy V, Lu C, Maliye C, Miller AC, Wagenaar BH, Rohloff P. Hybrid type 1 effectiveness/implementation trial of the international Guide for Monitoring Child Development: protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2021 Sep 15;5(1):e001254. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2021-001254. PMID: 34604546; PMCID: PMC8444252.

Evaluaremos el impacto del consumo diario de huevos durante el período de alimentación complementaria, además del cuidado estándar de atención nutricional brindado por Wuqu´Kawoq, en comparación con el estándar local de atención nutricional solo en el desarrollo de la niñez.
FINANCIAMIENTO: American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics NCT04316221
Wallace TC, Montenegro-Bethancourt G, Rohloff P, Jimenez EY, Proaño GV, McCabe GP, Steiber A, Ruosch A, Laessig I, Ladwig E, You H. Comparison of the nutrient composition of eggs produced in the Guatemalan highlands during the wet and dry seasons. Food Sci Nutr. 2023 Oct 13;11(12):8163-8173. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.3736.
Wallace TC, Rohloff P, Jimenez EY, Proaño GV, Montenegro-Bethancourt G, McCabe GP, Steiber A. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Research Network: The Saqmolo' Project Rationale and Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Influence of Daily Complementary Feeding of Eggs on Infant Development and Growth in Guatemala. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2021 May 4:S2212-2672(21)00226-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2021.03.015. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33962902.
Wallace TC, Montenegro-Bethancourt G, Rohloff P, Jimenez EY, Proaño GV, McCabe GP, Steiber A, Ruosch A, Laessig I, Ladwig E, You H. Comparison of the nutrient composition of eggs produced in the Guatemalan highlands during the wet and dry seasons. Food Sci Nutr. 2023 Oct 13;11(12):8163-8173. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.3736.
Wallace TC, Rohloff P, Jimenez EY, Proaño GV, Montenegro-Bethancourt G, McCabe GP, Steiber A. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Research Network: The Saqmolo' Project Rationale and Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Influence of Daily Complementary Feeding of Eggs on Infant Development and Growth in Guatemala. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2021 May 4:S2212-2672(21)00226-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2021.03.015. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33962902.

Evaluación de nueva tecnología para detectar retrasos en el desarrollo temprano en bebés en riesgo.
SOCIOS: CHLA-Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
FINANCIAMIENTO: NIH / NICHD (PI Beth Smith, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles)
Oh J, Ordoñez ELT, Velasquez E, Mejía M, Grazioso MDP, Rohloff P, Smith BA. Early full-day leg movement kinematics and swaddling patterns in infants in rural Guatemala: A pilot study. PLoS One. 2024 Feb 29;19(2):e0298652.
Rosales MR, Rohloff P, Vanderbilt DL, Tripathi T, Valentini NC, Dusing S, Smith BA. Collecting Infant Environmental and Experiential Data Using Smartphone Surveys. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2021 Jan 01; 33(1):47-49.
Smith BA, Hall ML, Greenspan B, Rohloff P, Prosser LA, Lobo MA.Wearables for Pediatric Rehabilitation: How to Optimally Design and Utilize Products to Meet the Needs of Users. Phys Ther. 2019 Feb 27. pii: pzz024. doi: 10.1093/ptj/pzz024.
Oh J, Ordoñez ELT, Velasquez E, Mejía M, Grazioso MDP, Rohloff P, Smith BA. Early full-day leg movement kinematics and swaddling patterns in infants in rural Guatemala: A pilot study. PLoS One. 2024 Feb 29;19(2):e0298652.
Rosales MR, Rohloff P, Vanderbilt DL, Tripathi T, Valentini NC, Dusing S, Smith BA. Collecting Infant Environmental and Experiential Data Using Smartphone Surveys. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2021 Jan 01; 33(1):47-49.
Smith BA, Hall ML, Greenspan B, Rohloff P, Prosser LA, Lobo MA.Wearables for Pediatric Rehabilitation: How to Optimally Design and Utilize Products to Meet the Needs of Users. Phys Ther. 2019 Feb 27. pii: pzz024. doi: 10.1093/ptj/pzz024.

Investigar la integración de la horticultura doméstica en las intervenciones nutricionales para mejorar el crecimiento y la calidad de la dieta de los niños con retraso del crecimiento.
FINANCIAMIENTO: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Registro: NCT03689504
Alajajian S, Guzman-Abril A, Proaño GV, Jimenez EY, Rohloff P. Mixed-methods implementation study of a home garden intervention in rural Guatemala using the RE-AIM framework. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022 Mar 8:S2212-2672(22)00134-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2022.03.005. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35276414.
Guzmán-Abril A, Alajajian S, Rohloff P, Proaño GV, Brewer J, Jimenez EY. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Research Network: A Home Garden Intervention Improves Child Length-for-Age Z-Score and Household-Level Crop Count and Nutritional Functional Diversity in Rural Guatemala. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2021 May 18:S2212-2672(21)00230-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2021.04.002.
Alajajian S, Guzmán-Abril AP, Brewer J, Rohloff P. Patrones alimentarios y agrícolas de hogares con niños desnutridos en dos comunidades indígenas con distinto nivel socioeconómico en Guatemala. Estudios Sociales 2020; 30:55
Roquel E, Wilson K, Alajajian S, Guzmán A. La Realización de un Diagnóstico Agrícola en una Comunidad Rural de Guatemala. Wuqu Kawoq | Alianza Maya para la Salud, 2019.
Alajajian S, Guzman-Abril A, Proaño GV, Jimenez EY, Rohloff P. Mixed-methods implementation study of a home garden intervention in rural Guatemala using the RE-AIM framework. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022 Mar 8:S2212-2672(22)00134-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2022.03.005. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35276414.
Guzmán-Abril A, Alajajian S, Rohloff P, Proaño GV, Brewer J, Jimenez EY. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Research Network: A Home Garden Intervention Improves Child Length-for-Age Z-Score and Household-Level Crop Count and Nutritional Functional Diversity in Rural Guatemala. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2021 May 18:S2212-2672(21)00230-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2021.04.002.
Alajajian S, Guzmán-Abril AP, Brewer J, Rohloff P. Patrones alimentarios y agrícolas de hogares con niños desnutridos en dos comunidades indígenas con distinto nivel socioeconómico en Guatemala. Estudios Sociales 2020; 30:55
Roquel E, Wilson K, Alajajian S, Guzmán A. La Realización de un Diagnóstico Agrícola en una Comunidad Rural de Guatemala. Wuqu Kawoq | Alianza Maya para la Salud, 2019.

Uso de un marco científico de implementación para evaluar el impacto de una intervención de autocuidado en el hogar para adultos con diabetes tipo 2 en dos distritos de salud en el centro de Guatemala.
FINANCIAMIENTO: World Diabetes Foundation
Guarchaj M, Tschida S, Milian Chew JP, Aguilar A, Flood D, Fort MP, Morales LC, Mendoza Montano C, Rodríguez Serrano SN, Rohloff P. Impact of COVID-19 on diabetes care: mixed methods study in an Indigenous area of Guatemala. BMJ Open. 2024 Jan 2;14(1):e079130. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-079130.
Tschida S, Flood D, Guarchaj M, Milian J, Aguilar A, Fort MP, Guetterman T, Montano CM, Miller A, Morales L, Rohloff P. Implementation of a Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Intervention in Rural Guatemala: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation Using the RE-AIM Framework. Prev Chronic Dis. 2021 Dec 9;18:E100. doi: 10.5888/pcd18.210259. PMID: 34882536; PMCID: PMC8673946.
Baird C, Rohloff P. Educación Para El Autocuidado de Diabetes Tipo Dos en Guatemala: Una Revision de la Literatura. Wuqu’ Kawoq | Alianza Maya para la Salud: Tecpan, Guatemala; 2019.
Guarchaj M, Tschida S, Milian Chew JP, Aguilar A, Flood D, Fort MP, Morales LC, Mendoza Montano C, Rodríguez Serrano SN, Rohloff P. Impact of COVID-19 on diabetes care: mixed methods study in an Indigenous area of Guatemala. BMJ Open. 2024 Jan 2;14(1):e079130. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-079130.
Tschida S, Flood D, Guarchaj M, Milian J, Aguilar A, Fort MP, Guetterman T, Montano CM, Miller A, Morales L, Rohloff P. Implementation of a Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Intervention in Rural Guatemala: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation Using the RE-AIM Framework. Prev Chronic Dis. 2021 Dec 9;18:E100. doi: 10.5888/pcd18.210259. PMID: 34882536; PMCID: PMC8673946.
Baird C, Rohloff P. Educación Para El Autocuidado de Diabetes Tipo Dos en Guatemala: Una Revision de la Literatura. Wuqu’ Kawoq | Alianza Maya para la Salud: Tecpan, Guatemala; 2019.

Estudio representativo de base poblacional que encuesta la prevalencia y los factores de riesgo de la enfermedad renal crónica tradicional y no tradicional en adultos en zonas rurales de Guatemala.
Steinbrook E, Flood D, Barnoya J, Montano CM, Miller AC, Rohloff P. Prevalence of Hypertension, Diabetes, and Other Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Two Indigenous Municipalities in Rural Guatemala: A Population-Representative Survey. Glob Heart. 2022 Nov 22;17(1):82. doi: 10.5334/gh.1171. PMID: 36578912; PMCID: PMC9695220.
Chary AN, Nandi M, Flood D, Tschida S, Wilcox K, Kurschner S, Garcia P, Rohloff P. Qualitative study of pathways to care among adults with diabetes in rural Guatemala. BMJ Open. 2023 Jan 6;13(1):e056913. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056913. PMID: 36609334; PMCID: PMC9827254.
Rohloff P, Miller AC, Barnoya J, Montano CM. Indexing Estimates of GFR to Body Surface Area in Low-Resource Settings With a High Burden of Malnutrition: Evidence From Guatemala. Kidney Int Rep. 2022 Apr 11;7(7):1707-1710. doi: 10.1016/j.ekir.2022.04.007. PMID: 35812277; PMCID: PMC9263247.
Miller AC, Tuiz E, Shaw L, Flood D, Garcia P, Dhaenens E, Thomson DR, Barnoya J, Montano CM, Rohloff P. Population Estimates of GFR and Risk Factors for CKD in Guatemala. Kidney Int Rep. 2021 Jan 1;6(3):796-805. doi: 10.1016/j.ekir.2020.12.015. PMID: 33732994; PMCID: PMC7938058. . Resumen ejecutivo en español
Miller AC, Rohloff P, Blake A, Dhaenens E, Shaw L, Tuiz E, Grandesso F, Mendoza Montano C, Thomson DR. Feasibility of satellite image and GIS sampling for population representative surveys: a case study from rural Guatemala. Int J Health Geogr. 2020 Dec 5;19(1):56. doi: 10.1186/s12942-020-00250-0. PMID: 33278901; PMCID: PMC7718677.
Garcia P, Mendoza C, Barnoya J, Monzon J, Miller AC, Aguilar-Gónzalez A, Boj J, Cifuentes A, Dávila P, Flood D, Guzmán-Quilo C, Hernandez A, Lou-Meda R, Palacios E, Sánchez-Polo V, Sosa R, Rohloff P. CKD care and research in Guatemala: Overview and meeting report. Kidney Int Rep 2020 Jul 2; 5(9):1567-1575.
Nandi M, Kurschner S, Wilcox K, Flood D, Montano CM, Barnoya J, Rohloff P, Chary A. Perceptions of chronic kidney disease among at-risk adults in rural Guatemala. Glob Public Health 2020 Nov 8;1-16.
Flood D, Wilcox K, Ferro AA, Mendoza Montano C, Barnoya J, Garcia P, Lou-Meda R, Rohloff P, Chary A. Challenges in the provision of kidney care at the largest public nephrology center in Guatemala: a qualitative study with health professionals. BMC Nephrol. 2020 Feb 28;21(1):71. doi: 10.1186/s12882-020-01732-w. Informe en español
Wilcox K, Flood D, Aguilar A, Dhaenens E, Garcia P, Miller A, Mendoza C, Lou-Meda R, Rohloff P, Chary A. Provision de servicios de diálisis en Guatemala: un estudio cualitativo.
Flood D, Garcia P, Douglas K, Hawkins J, Rohloff P. Screening for chronic kidney disease in a community-based diabetes cohort in rural Guatemala: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2018 Jan 21:8(1):e019778.
Steinbrook E, Flood D, Barnoya J, Montano CM, Miller AC, Rohloff P. Prevalence of Hypertension, Diabetes, and Other Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Two Indigenous Municipalities in Rural Guatemala: A Population-Representative Survey. Glob Heart. 2022 Nov 22;17(1):82. doi: 10.5334/gh.1171. PMID: 36578912; PMCID: PMC9695220.
Chary AN, Nandi M, Flood D, Tschida S, Wilcox K, Kurschner S, Garcia P, Rohloff P. Qualitative study of pathways to care among adults with diabetes in rural Guatemala. BMJ Open. 2023 Jan 6;13(1):e056913. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056913. PMID: 36609334; PMCID: PMC9827254.
Rohloff P, Miller AC, Barnoya J, Montano CM. Indexing Estimates of GFR to Body Surface Area in Low-Resource Settings With a High Burden of Malnutrition: Evidence From Guatemala. Kidney Int Rep. 2022 Apr 11;7(7):1707-1710. doi: 10.1016/j.ekir.2022.04.007. PMID: 35812277; PMCID: PMC9263247.
Miller AC, Tuiz E, Shaw L, Flood D, Garcia P, Dhaenens E, Thomson DR, Barnoya J, Montano CM, Rohloff P. Population Estimates of GFR and Risk Factors for CKD in Guatemala. Kidney Int Rep. 2021 Jan 1;6(3):796-805. doi: 10.1016/j.ekir.2020.12.015. PMID: 33732994; PMCID: PMC7938058. . Resumen ejecutivo en español
Miller AC, Rohloff P, Blake A, Dhaenens E, Shaw L, Tuiz E, Grandesso F, Mendoza Montano C, Thomson DR. Feasibility of satellite image and GIS sampling for population representative surveys: a case study from rural Guatemala. Int J Health Geogr. 2020 Dec 5;19(1):56. doi: 10.1186/s12942-020-00250-0. PMID: 33278901; PMCID: PMC7718677.
Garcia P, Mendoza C, Barnoya J, Monzon J, Miller AC, Aguilar-Gónzalez A, Boj J, Cifuentes A, Dávila P, Flood D, Guzmán-Quilo C, Hernandez A, Lou-Meda R, Palacios E, Sánchez-Polo V, Sosa R, Rohloff P. CKD care and research in Guatemala: Overview and meeting report. Kidney Int Rep 2020 Jul 2; 5(9):1567-1575.
Nandi M, Kurschner S, Wilcox K, Flood D, Montano CM, Barnoya J, Rohloff P, Chary A. Perceptions of chronic kidney disease among at-risk adults in rural Guatemala. Glob Public Health 2020 Nov 8;1-16.
Flood D, Wilcox K, Ferro AA, Mendoza Montano C, Barnoya J, Garcia P, Lou-Meda R, Rohloff P, Chary A. Challenges in the provision of kidney care at the largest public nephrology center in Guatemala: a qualitative study with health professionals. BMC Nephrol. 2020 Feb 28;21(1):71. doi: 10.1186/s12882-020-01732-w. Informe en español
Wilcox K, Flood D, Aguilar A, Dhaenens E, Garcia P, Miller A, Mendoza C, Lou-Meda R, Rohloff P, Chary A. Provision de servicios de diálisis en Guatemala: un estudio cualitativo.
Flood D, Garcia P, Douglas K, Hawkins J, Rohloff P. Screening for chronic kidney disease in a community-based diabetes cohort in rural Guatemala: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2018 Jan 21:8(1):e019778.

Usar un marco de mejora de la calidad y una navegación de la atención para mejorar la satisfacción del paciente y los resultados de la derivación obstétrica de emergencia.
FINANCIAMIENTO: Grand Challenges Canada
Austad K, Juarez M, Shryer H, Hibberd PL, Drainoni ML, Rohloff P, Chary A. Improving the experience of facility-based delivery for vulnerable women through obstetric care navigation: a qualitative evaluation. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2021 Jun 11;21(1):425. doi: 10.1186/s12884-021-03842-1.
Juarez, M., Austad, K. and Rohloff, P., 2021. Out-of-Pocket Costs for Facility-Based Obstetrical Care in Rural Guatemala. Annals of Global Health, 87(1), p.75. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/aogh.3223
Perry MF, Coyote EI, Austad K, Rohloff P, Why women choose to seek facility-level obstetrical care in rural Guatemala: A qualitative study. Midwifery, Volume 103, 2021, 103097, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2021.103097
Austad K, Chary A, Hawkins J, Martinez B, Rohloff P. Reconstructing referrals: overcoming barriers to quality obstetric care for Maya women in Guatemala through care navigation. In: Gutschow K, Davis-Floyd R, Daviss B-A, editors. Sustainable Birth in Disruptive Times. Berlin: Springer; 2021. p 171-84.
Austad K, Juarez M, Shryer H, Morataya C, Rohloff P. Obstetric care navigation: results of a quality improvement project to provide accompaniment to women for facility-based maternity care in rural Guatemala. BMJ Qual Saf. 2019 Nov 2. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009524.
Juarez M, Austad K, Rohloff P. Lay Midwives: On the Front Lines of the Fight Against Maternal Mortality in Rural Guatemala. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2019 Feb;100(2):237-238.
Austad K, Chary A, Martinez B, Juarez M, Martin YJ, Ixen EC, Rohloff P. Obstetric care navigation: a new approach to promote respectful maternity care and overcome barriers to safe motherhood. Reprod Health. 2017 Nov 13; 14(1):148.
Austad K, Juarez M, Shryer H, Hibberd PL, Drainoni ML, Rohloff P, Chary A. Improving the experience of facility-based delivery for vulnerable women through obstetric care navigation: a qualitative evaluation. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2021 Jun 11;21(1):425. doi: 10.1186/s12884-021-03842-1.
Juarez, M., Austad, K. and Rohloff, P., 2021. Out-of-Pocket Costs for Facility-Based Obstetrical Care in Rural Guatemala. Annals of Global Health, 87(1), p.75. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/aogh.3223
Perry MF, Coyote EI, Austad K, Rohloff P, Why women choose to seek facility-level obstetrical care in rural Guatemala: A qualitative study. Midwifery, Volume 103, 2021, 103097, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2021.103097
Austad K, Chary A, Hawkins J, Martinez B, Rohloff P. Reconstructing referrals: overcoming barriers to quality obstetric care for Maya women in Guatemala through care navigation. In: Gutschow K, Davis-Floyd R, Daviss B-A, editors. Sustainable Birth in Disruptive Times. Berlin: Springer; 2021. p 171-84.
Austad K, Juarez M, Shryer H, Morataya C, Rohloff P. Obstetric care navigation: results of a quality improvement project to provide accompaniment to women for facility-based maternity care in rural Guatemala. BMJ Qual Saf. 2019 Nov 2. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009524.
Juarez M, Austad K, Rohloff P. Lay Midwives: On the Front Lines of the Fight Against Maternal Mortality in Rural Guatemala. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2019 Feb;100(2):237-238.
Austad K, Chary A, Martinez B, Juarez M, Martin YJ, Ixen EC, Rohloff P. Obstetric care navigation: a new approach to promote respectful maternity care and overcome barriers to safe motherhood. Reprod Health. 2017 Nov 13; 14(1):148.

El uso de teléfonos inteligentes y las aplicaciones de salud móvil de apoyo a la toma de decisiones para respaldar la identificación y derivación de embarazos de alto riesgo por parte de parteras no profesionales.
FINANCIAMIENTO: NIH / NICHD (PI Gari Clifford, Emory University). Registro: NCT02348849
Kulkarni SS, Katebi N, Valderrama CE, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. CNN-Based LCD Transcription of Blood Pressure From a Mobile Phone Camera. Front Artif Intell. 2021 May 21;4:543176. doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.543176. PMID: 34095816; PMCID: PMC8177819.
Valderrama CE, Marzbanrad F, Hall-Clifford R, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. A Proxy for Detecting IUGR Based on Gestational Age Estimation in a Guatemalan Rural Population. Front Artif Intell. 2020 Aug 7;3:56. doi: 10.3389/frai.2020.00056. PMID: 33733173; PMCID: PMC7861337.
Valderrama CE, Marzbanrad F, Juarez M, Hall-Clifford R, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. Estimating birth weight from observed postnatal weights in a Guatemalan highland community. Physiol Meas. 2020 Mar 6;41(2):025008. doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/ab7350.
Valderrama Cuadros CE, Katebi N, Marzbanrad F, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. A review of fetal cardiac monitoring, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries. Physiol Meas 2020 Oct 26. doi.org/10.1088/1361-6579/abc4c7
Valderrama CE, Stroux L, Katebi N, Paljug E, Hall-Clifford R, Rohloff P, Marzbanrad F, Clifford GD. An open source autocorrelation-based method for fetal heart rate estimation from one-dimensional Doppler ultrasound. Physiol Meas. 2019 Feb 26;40(2):025005.
Martinez B, Ixen EC, Hall-Clifford R, Juarez M, Miller AC, Francis A, Valderrama CE, Stroux L, Clifford GD, Rohloff P. mHealth intervention to improve the continuum of maternal and perinatal care in rural Guatemala: a pragmatic, randomized controlled feasibility trial. Reproductive Health 2018;15:120.
Martinez B, Hall-Clifford R, Coyote E, Stroux L, Valderrama CE, Aaron C, Francis A, Hendren C, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. Agile Development of a Smartphone App for Perinatal Monitoring in a Resource-Constrained Setting. J Health Informatics in Dev Countries. 2017; 11:158.
Stroux L, Martinez B, Ixen EC, King N, Hall-Clifford R, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. (2016). An mHealth monitoring system for traditional birth attendant-led antenatal risk assessment in rural Guatemala, Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology.
Kulkarni SS, Katebi N, Valderrama CE, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. CNN-Based LCD Transcription of Blood Pressure From a Mobile Phone Camera. Front Artif Intell. 2021 May 21;4:543176. doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.543176. PMID: 34095816; PMCID: PMC8177819.
Valderrama CE, Marzbanrad F, Hall-Clifford R, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. A Proxy for Detecting IUGR Based on Gestational Age Estimation in a Guatemalan Rural Population. Front Artif Intell. 2020 Aug 7;3:56. doi: 10.3389/frai.2020.00056. PMID: 33733173; PMCID: PMC7861337.
Valderrama CE, Marzbanrad F, Juarez M, Hall-Clifford R, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. Estimating birth weight from observed postnatal weights in a Guatemalan highland community. Physiol Meas. 2020 Mar 6;41(2):025008. doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/ab7350.
Valderrama Cuadros CE, Katebi N, Marzbanrad F, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. A review of fetal cardiac monitoring, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries. Physiol Meas 2020 Oct 26. doi.org/10.1088/1361-6579/abc4c7
Valderrama CE, Stroux L, Katebi N, Paljug E, Hall-Clifford R, Rohloff P, Marzbanrad F, Clifford GD. An open source autocorrelation-based method for fetal heart rate estimation from one-dimensional Doppler ultrasound. Physiol Meas. 2019 Feb 26;40(2):025005.
Martinez B, Ixen EC, Hall-Clifford R, Juarez M, Miller AC, Francis A, Valderrama CE, Stroux L, Clifford GD, Rohloff P. mHealth intervention to improve the continuum of maternal and perinatal care in rural Guatemala: a pragmatic, randomized controlled feasibility trial. Reproductive Health 2018;15:120.
Martinez B, Hall-Clifford R, Coyote E, Stroux L, Valderrama CE, Aaron C, Francis A, Hendren C, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. Agile Development of a Smartphone App for Perinatal Monitoring in a Resource-Constrained Setting. J Health Informatics in Dev Countries. 2017; 11:158.
Stroux L, Martinez B, Ixen EC, King N, Hall-Clifford R, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. (2016). An mHealth monitoring system for traditional birth attendant-led antenatal risk assessment in rural Guatemala, Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology.

Investigar estrategias óptimas para empoderar a los cuidadores y mejorar la atención cariñosa para los bebés en riesgo.
FINANCIAMIENTO: Grand Challenges Canada. Registro: NCT02509936
Webb MF, Martinez B, Rodas P, Gonzalez A, Rohloff P, del Pilar Grazioso M. Language Interpretation in the Administration of Bayley Scales of Infant Development III in an Indigenous Population in Guatemala. WAIMH Perspectives in Infant Mental Health. 2020.
Martinez B, Cardona S, Rodas P, Lubina M, Gonzalez A, Webb MF, Grazioso MdP, Rohloff P. Developmental outcomes of an individualised complementary feeding intervention for stunted children: a substudy from a larger randomised controlled trial in Guatemala. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2018;2:e000314. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2018-000314
Martinez B, Webb MF, Gonzalez A, Douglas K, Grazioso MdP, Rohloff P. Complementary feeding intervention on stunted Guatemalan children: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2018;2.
Martinez B, Webb MF, Rodas P, Gonzalez A, del Pilar Grazioso M, Rohloff P. (2016). Field report: Early child development in rural Guatemala. Perspectives in Infant Mental Health. 24(1-2):6-8.
Brown K, Henretty N, Chary A, Webb MF, Wehr H, Moore J, Baird C, Díaz AK, Rohloff P. Mixed-methods study identifies key strategies for improving infant and young child feeding practices in a highly stunted rural indigenous population in Guatemala. Matern Child Nutr. DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12141
Webb MF, Martinez B, Rodas P, Gonzalez A, Rohloff P, del Pilar Grazioso M. Language Interpretation in the Administration of Bayley Scales of Infant Development III in an Indigenous Population in Guatemala. WAIMH Perspectives in Infant Mental Health. 2020.
Martinez B, Cardona S, Rodas P, Lubina M, Gonzalez A, Webb MF, Grazioso MdP, Rohloff P. Developmental outcomes of an individualised complementary feeding intervention for stunted children: a substudy from a larger randomised controlled trial in Guatemala. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2018;2:e000314. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2018-000314
Martinez B, Webb MF, Gonzalez A, Douglas K, Grazioso MdP, Rohloff P. Complementary feeding intervention on stunted Guatemalan children: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2018;2.
Martinez B, Webb MF, Rodas P, Gonzalez A, del Pilar Grazioso M, Rohloff P. (2016). Field report: Early child development in rural Guatemala. Perspectives in Infant Mental Health. 24(1-2):6-8.
Brown K, Henretty N, Chary A, Webb MF, Wehr H, Moore J, Baird C, Díaz AK, Rohloff P. Mixed-methods study identifies key strategies for improving infant and young child feeding practices in a highly stunted rural indigenous population in Guatemala. Matern Child Nutr. DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12141
Equipo de Investigadores
Los investigadores del CISI provienen de diversos orígenes, pero compartimos el interés en temas centrales (enfermedades no transmisibles; desnutrición crónica y seguridad alimentaria; desarrollo infantil; género y salud). También compartimos un interés en ciertos enfoques metodológicos, especialmente en métodos mixtos, antropología aplicada, mejora de la calidad y ciencia de la implementación.
Investigadores Principales
Anita Chary MD PhD : antropología médica
Meghan Farley Webb PhD : antropología médica, salud ocupacional
David Flood MD MPH : enfermedades cardiometabólicas, ciencia de implementación
Gabriela Montenegro PhD : nutrición infantil y infantil
Peter Rohloff MD PhD : nutrición y desarrollo infantil, enfermedades no transmisibles, mHealth
Anahí Venzor Strader MD MMSc : salud neonatal
Equipo de Investigadores
Ana Gabriela Canú Ajqui : Obstetricia
Cindy Villalobos : Ciencia de laboratorio
Laura Morales : Obstetricia, mHealth
Duglas Adonias López García : Desarrollo infantil temprano, mHealth
Edlyn Ramos : Obstetricia
Elsa Marina Sebaquijay Iquic : Obstetricia
Elvia Graciela Lares Tepáz : Obstetricia, mHealth
Emily Magali Roxana Serech Cuxil : Obstetricia
Esteban Castro : mSalud, atención obstétrica y neonatal
Eva Tuiz : Enfermedad renal crónica, desarrollo infantil temprano
Francisca del Rosario Per Tucubal : Obstetricia, mHealth
Enma Coyote : Obstetricia, mHealth
Irma Yolanda Velasquez Matias : Obstetricia, mHealth
Irma Yolanda Piló Palax : Atención obstétrica, mHealth
Irma Yolanda Raquec Teleguario : Nutrición, enfermedad renal crónica
Karen Gabriela Miculax Baján : Obstetricia, mHealth
Karyn Choy : Desarrollo infantil temprano, nutrición
Leslie Yessenia Quino Tian : Obstetricia, mHealth
Lilian Anita Cocon Perez : Obstetricia, mHealth
M. Magdalena Guarchaj Catinac : Diabetes, desarrollo infantil temprano
Manuela Elizabeth Buc Tamat : Obstetricia, mHealth
Mildred Jaqueline Mucia Rucuch : Obstetricia, mHealth
Olga Marina Saloj : Desarrollo infantil temprano, nutrición
Elisa María Reyna Gutiérrez : Ciencia de laboratorio
Rosa Rabinal : Desarrollo infantil temprano
Rosibely Sut : Obstetricia, mHealth
Sara Hernández : Desarrollo infantil temprano
Scott Tschida : Ciencia de implementación
Stephen Alajajian : Diabetes, desarrollo infantil temprano, nutrición
Vilma Yanira Borón Surec : Desarrollo infantil temprano, nutrición
Wendy Rodriguez : Crecimiento infantil, nutrición, salud maternoinfantil
Rafael Lopez : Enfermedad renal crónica
Colaboradores Clave y Científicos Afiliados
Dr. Joaquín Barnoya, Unidad Cardiovascular de Guatemala, Universidad Rafael Landívar. Científico investigador afiliado en Wuqu’ Kawoq
Dr. Gari Clifford, Departamento de Informática Biomédica, Universidad de Emory Dra. Jennifer Crowe, El Instituto Regional de Estudios en Sustancias Tóxicas de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Dra. Ilgi Ertem, Departamento de Pediatría, Universidad de Ankara
Dr. Marvin González Quiroz, Departamento de Medicina Renal, University College London. Científico investigador afiliado en Wuqu’ Kawoq
Dra. María del Pilar Grazioso, Departamento de Psicología, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala. Proyecto Águila Guatemala. Científico investigador afiliado en Wuqu’ Kawoq
Dr. Subodh Gupta, Departamento de Medicina Comunitaria, Instituto Mahatma Gandhi de Ciencias Médicas
MSc Pharm Carol Guzman, Departamento de Toxicología, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Científico investigador afiliado en Wuqu’ Kawoq
Dra. Rachel Hall-Clifford, Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Emory
Dr. Nasim Katebi, Departamento de Informática Biomédica, Universidad de Emory. Científico investigador afiliado en Wuqu’ Kawoq
Dra. Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown, Centro para la Salud a través de Microbiomas, Universidad Estatal de Arizona
Dra. Vibha Krishnamurthy, Centro de Desarrollo Infantil Ummeed
Dra. Indiana López, científica investigadora afiliada en Wuqu’ Kawoq
Dra. Ann Miller, Departamento de Salud Global y Medicina Social, Facultad de Medicina de Harvard
Dr. Manuel Ramirez, Centro de Investigación para la Prevención de las Enfermedades Crónicas, Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá
Dr. Vicente Sánchez Polo, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Investigador científico afiliado en Wuqu’ Kawoq.
Dra. Beth Smith, Departamento de Pediatría, Universidad del Sur de California, Hospital Infantil de Los Ángeles
Dra. Alison Steiber, Academia de Nutrición y Dietética
Dr. Lee Voth-Gaeddert, Centro para la Salud a través de Microbiomas, Universidad Estatal de Arizona. Investigador científico afiliado en Wuqu’ Kawoq.
Dr. Bradley Wagenaar, Departamento de Salud Global, Universidad de Washington
Dra. Elizabeth Yakes Jiménez, Departamento de Pediatría, Universidad de Nuevo México
- Bandal A, Hernández S, Mustafa R, Choy K, Edwards N, Guarchaj M, Mejía Alvarez M, Sane A, Tschida S, Maliye C, Miller A, Raut A, Srinivasan R, Turner M, Wagenaar BH, Ertem I, Grazioso MDP, Gupta SS, Krishnamurthy V, Rohloff P. Methodology for adapting a co-created early childhood development intervention and implementation strategies for use by frontline workers in India and Guatemala: a systematic application of the FRAME-IS framework. Glob Health Action. 2024 Dec 31;17(1):2338324. doi: 10.1080/16549716.2024.2338324. Epub 2024 May 10. PMID: 38726569; PMCID: PMC11089920.
- Oh J, Ordoñez ELT, Velasquez E, Mejía M, Grazioso MDP, Rohloff P, Smith BA. Early full-day leg movement kinematics and swaddling patterns in infants in rural Guatemala: A pilot study. PLoS One. 2024 Feb 29;19(2):e0298652.
- Venzor Strader A, Sotz M, Gilbert HN, Miller AC, Lee AC, Rohloff P. A biosocial analysis of perinatal and late neonatal mortality among Indigenous Maya Kaqchikel communities in Tecpán, Guatemala: a mixed-methods study. BMJ Glob Health. 2024 Apr 17;9(4):e013940. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2023-013940. PMID: 38631704; PMCID: PMC11029291.
- Yoo SGK, Chung GS, Bahendeka SK, Sibai AM, Damasceno A, Farzadfar F, Rohloff P, Houehanou C, Norov B, Karki KB, Azangou-Khyavy M, Marcus ME, Aryal KK, Brant LCC, Theilmann M, Cífková R, Lunet N, Gurung MS, Mwangi JK, Martins J, Haghshenas R, Sturua L, Vollmer S, Bärnighausen T, Atun R, Sussman JB, Singh K, Moghaddam SS, Guwatudde D, Geldsetzer P, Manne-Goehler J, Huffman MD, Davies JI, Flood D. Global Prevalence of Aspirin Use for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study of Nationally Representative, Individual-Level Data. Glob Heart. 2024 May 3;19(1):44.
- Rohloff P, Gupta S, López Canu W, Rodríguez Gómez W, Sridhar S, Venzor A. New WHO guideline on the prevention and management of acute malnutrition in infants and young children: remaining challenges. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2024 May 7;8(1):e002471. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2023-002471. PMID: 38719564; PMCID: PMC11086452.
- Stein DT, Reitsma MB, Geldsetzer P, Agoudavi K, Aryal KK, Bahendeka S, Brant LCC, Farzadfar F, Gurung MS, Guwatudde D, Houehanou YCN, Malta DC, Martins JS, Saeedi Moghaddam S, Mwangi KJ, Norov B, Sturua L, Zhumadilov Z, Bärnighausen T, Davies JI, Flood D, Marcus ME, Theilmann M, Vollmer S, Manne-Goehler J, Atun R, Sudharsanan N, Verguet S. Hypertension care cascades and reducing inequities in cardiovascular disease in low- and middle-income countries. Nat Med. 2024 Feb;30(2):414-423. doi: 10.1038/s41591-023-02769-8. Epub 2024 Jan 26. PMID: 38278990.
- Miller AC, Flood D, Tschida S, Douglas K, Rohloff P. Assessing child development scores among minority and Indigenous language versus dominant language speakers: a cross-sectional analysis of national Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys. Lancet Glob Health. 2024 Jan;12(1):e90-e99. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(23)00456-4. Epub 2023 Nov 10. PMID: 37956682.
- Wellmann IA, Ayala LF, Rodríguez JJ, Guetterman TC, Irazola V, Palacios E, Huffman MD, Rohloff P, Heisler M, Ramírez-Zea M, Flood D. Implementing integrated hypertension and diabetes management using the World Health Organization's HEARTS model: protocol for a pilot study in the Guatemalan national primary care system. Implement Sci Commun. 2024 Jan 9;5(1):7. doi: 10.1186/s43058-023-00539-8.
- Guarchaj M, Tschida S, Milian Chew JP, Aguilar A, Flood D, Fort MP, Morales LC, Mendoza Montano C, Rodríguez Serrano SN, Rohloff P. Impact of COVID-19 on diabetes care: mixed methods study in an Indigenous area of Guatemala. BMJ Open. 2024 Jan 2;14(1):e079130. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-079130.
- Ware L, Vermeulen B, Maposa I, Flood D, Brant LCC, Khandelwal S, Singh K, Soares S, Jessen N, Perman G, Riaz BK, Sachdev HS, Allen NB, Labarthe DR. Comparison of Cardiovascular Health Profiles Across Population Surveys From 5 High- to Low-Income Countries. CJC Open. 2023 Dec 4;6(3):582-596.
- Strasma A, Reyes ÁM, Aragón A, López I, Park LP, Hogan SL, Thielman N, Wyatt C, González-Quiroz M. Kidney disease characteristics, prevalence, and risk factors in León, Nicaragua: a population-based study. BMC Nephrol. 2023 Nov 12;24(1):335. doi: 10.1186/s12882-023-03381-1. PMID: 37953252; PMCID: PMC10641961.
- Gonzalez-Quiroz M, Heggeseth B, Camacho A, Oomatia A, Al-Rashed AM, Zhang Y, McCreight A, Jewell N, Aragon A, Nitsch D, Pearce N, Caplin B. Population-level detection of early loss of kidney function: 7-year follow-up of a young adult cohort at risk of Mesoamerican nephropathy. Int J Epidemiol. 2024 Feb 1;53(1):dyad151. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyad151. Erratum in: Int J Epidemiol. 2023 Nov 29;: PMID: 37930052; PMCID: PMC10859140.
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Global variation in diabetes diagnosis and prevalence based on fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c. Nat Med. 2023 Nov;29(11):2885-2901. doi: 10.1038/s41591-023-02610-2. Epub 2023 Nov 9. PMID: 37946056; PMCID: PMC10667106.
- Asturias G, Cordón A, Pineda E, Figueroa Z, V. Proaño G, Yakes Jimenez E, Rohlff P. Short Report: Mapping Nutrition Interventions in Guatemala To Identify Opportunities
- Yoo SGK, Chung GS, Bahendeka SK, et al. Aspirin for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in 51 Low-, Middle-, and High-Income Countries. 2023;330(8):715–724. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.12905
- de la Garza Iga FJ, Mejía Alvarez M, Cockroft JD, et al. Using the project ECHOTM model to teach mental health topics in rural Guatemala: An implementation science-guided evaluation. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/00207640231188038
- Skinner NA, Sanders K, Lopez E, Sotz Mux MS, Abascal Miguel L, Vosburg KB, Johnston J, Diamond-Smith N, Kraemer Diaz A. Barriers to COVID-19 vaccine acceptance to improve messages for vaccine uptake in indigenous populations in the central highlands of Guatemala: a participatory qualitative study. BMJ Open. 2023 Jan 27;13(1):e067210. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-067210. PMID: 36707110; PMCID: PMC9884572.
- Chary AN, Nandi M, Flood D, Tschida S, Wilcox K, Kurschner S, Garcia P, Rohloff P. Qualitative study of pathways to care among adults with diabetes in rural Guatemala. BMJ Open. 2023 Jan 6;13(1):e056913. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-056913. PMID: 36609334; PMCID: PMC9827254.
- Rohloff P, Flood D, Tuiz E, Kurschner S, Nandi M, Tschida S, Wilcox K, Chary A. Adults' experiences with type 2 diabetes in rural Guatemala: a qualitative study. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2023;34(1):208-223.
- Katebi N, Sameni R, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. Hierarchical Attentive Network for Gestational Age Estimation in Low-Resource Settings. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform. 2023 May;27(5):2501-2511.
- Cheng Q, Glesener H, Montenegro G, Torres O, Miller AC, Krajmalnik-Brown R, Rohloff P, Voth-Gaeddert LE. Assessment of aflatoxin exposure, growth faltering and the gut microbiome among children in rural Guatemala: protocol for an observational prospective cohort and bioreactor simulations. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2023 Apr;7(1):e001960.
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents' growth and development. Nature. 2023 Mar;615(7954):874-883. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05772-8. Epub 2023 Mar 29.
- Wallace TC, Montenegro-Bethancourt G, Rohloff P, Jimenez EY, Proaño GV, McCabe GP, Steiber A, Ruosch A, Laessig I, Ladwig E, You H. Comparison of the nutrient composition of eggs produced in the Guatemalan highlands during the wet and dry seasons. Food Sci Nutr. 2023 Oct 13;11(12):8163-8173. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.3736.
- Choonara I, Escobedo AA, Olusanya BO, Raj M, Rohloff P, Zeng L, Zhao W. BMJ Paediatrics Open and the Global South: an open call towards editorial diversity and inclusion. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2022 Oct;6(1):e001679. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2022-001679. PMID: 36645794; PMCID: PMC9621182.
- Flood D, Brant LCC, Sussman JB. The triglyceride glucose index and cardiovascular disease outcomes. Lancet Healthy Longev. 2023 Jan;4(1):e2-e3. doi: 10.1016/S2666-7568(22)00269-0. Epub 2022 Dec 12. PMID: 36521499.
- Chary A, Hawkins J, Flood D, Martinez B, Colom M, Austad K. Medical students' experiences of compulsory rural service in Guatemala: a qualitative study. Rural Remote Health. 2022 May;22(2):6582. doi: 10.22605/RRH6582. Epub 2022 May 26. PMID: 35617739.
- Steinbrook E, Flood D, Barnoya J, Montano CM, Miller AC, Rohloff P. Prevalence of Hypertension, Diabetes, and Other Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Two Indigenous Municipalities in Rural Guatemala: A Population-Representative Survey. Glob Heart. 2022 Nov 22;17(1):82. doi: 10.5334/gh.1171. PMID: 36578912; PMCID: PMC9695220.
- Rohloff P, Miller AC, Barnoya J, Montano CM. Indexing Estimates of GFR to Body Surface Area in Low-Resource Settings With a High Burden of Malnutrition: Evidence From Guatemala. Kidney Int Rep. 2022 Apr 11;7(7):1707-1710. doi: 10.1016/j.ekir.2022.04.007. PMID: 35812277; PMCID: PMC9263247.
- Abascal Miguel L, Lopez E, Sanders K, Skinner NA, Johnston J, Vosburg KB, Kraemer Diaz A, Diamond-Smith N. Evaluating the impact of a linguistically and culturally tailored social media ad campaign on COVID-19 vaccine uptake among indigenous populations in Guatemala: a pre/post design intervention study. BMJ Open. 2022 Dec 13;12(12):e066365. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-066365. PMID: 36523220; PMCID: PMC9748511.
- Flood D, Geldsetzer P, Agoudavi K, Aryal KK, Brant LCC, Brian G, Dorobantu M, Farzadfar F, Gheorghe-Fronea O, Gurung MS, Guwatudde D, Houehanou C, Jorgensen JMA, Kondal D, Labadarios D, Marcus ME, Mayige M, Moghimi M, Norov B, Perman G, Quesnel-Crooks S, Rashidi MM, Moghaddam SS, Seiglie JA, Bahendeka SK, Steinbrook E, Theilmann M, Ware LJ, Vollmer S, Atun R, Davies JI, Ali MK, Rohloff P, Manne-Goehler J. Rural-Urban Differences in Diabetes Care and Control in 42 Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Cross-sectional Study of Nationally Representative Individual-Level Data. Diabetes Care. 2022 Sep 1;45(9):1961-1970. doi: 10.2337/dc21-2342. PMID: 35771765; PMCID: PMC9472489.
- Bonilla K, Romero-Oliva C, Arrechea S, Ortiz N, Mazariegos F, Alonzo M, Orellana-Corrales G, del Valle A, Montenegro-Bethancour G. Engaging the Guatemala Scientific Diaspora: The Power of Networking and Shared Learning Front. Res. Metr. Anal. 7:897670.
doi: 10.3389/frma.2022.897670. - Alajajian S, Guzman-Abril A, Proaño GV, Jimenez EY, Rohloff P. Mixed-methods implementation study of a home garden intervention in rural Guatemala using the RE-AIM framework. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022 Mar 8:S2212-2672(22)00134-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2022.03.005. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35276414.
- Marcus ME, Manne-Goehler J, Theilmann M, Farzadfar F, Moghaddam SS, Keykhaei M, Hajebi A, Tschida S, Lemp JM, Aryal KK, Dunn M, Houehanou C, Bahendeka S, Rohloff P, Atun R, Bärnighausen TW, Geldsetzer P, Ramirez-Zea M, Chopra V, Heisler M, Davies JI, Huffman MD, Vollmer S, Flood D. Use of statins for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in 41 low-income and middle-income countries: a cross-sectional study of nationally representative, individual-level data. Lancet Glob Health. 2022 Mar;10(3):e369-e379. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(21)00551-9. PMID: 35180420; PMCID: PMC8896912.
- Garcia A, Juarez M, Sacuj N, Tzurec E, Larson K, Miller A, Rohloff P. Loss to Follow-Up and the Care Cascade for Cervical Cancer Care in Rural Guatemala: A Cross-Sectional Study. JCO Glob Oncol. 2022 Feb;8:e2100286. doi: 10.1200/GO.21.00286. PMID: 35113733; PMCID: PMC8853617.
- Flood D, Guwatudde D, Damasceno A, Manne-Goehler J, Davies JI; Global Health and Population Project on Access to Care for Cardiometabolic Diseases (HPACC). Maximising use of population data on cardiometabolic diseases. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2022 Mar;10(3):154-157. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(21)00328-4. Epub 2022 Jan 10. PMID: 35026159.
- Tschida S, Flood D, Guarchaj M, Milian J, Aguilar A, Fort MP, Guetterman T, Montano CM, Miller A, Morales L, Rohloff P. Implementation of a Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Intervention in Rural Guatemala: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation Using the RE-AIM Framework. Prev Chronic Dis. 2021 Dec 9;18:E100. doi: 10.5888/pcd18.210259. PMID: 34882536; PMCID: PMC8673946.
- Tschida S, Cordon A, Asturias G, Mazariegos M, Kroker-Lobos MF, Jackson B, Rohloff P, Flood D. Projecting the Impact of Nutrition Policy to Improve Child Stunting: A Case Study in Guatemala Using the Lives Saved Tool. Glob Health Sci Pract. 2021 Dec 21;9(4):752-764. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-20-00585. PMID: 34933973; PMCID: PMC8691882.
- Flood D, Seiglie JA, Dunn M, Tschida S, Theilmann M, Marcus ME, Brian G, Norov B, Mayige MT, Singh Gurung M, Aryal KK, Labadarios D, Dorobantu M, Silver BK, Bovet P, Adelin Jorgensen JM, Guwatudde D, Houehanou C, Andall-Brereton G, Quesnel-Crooks S, Sturua L, Farzadfar F, Saeedi Moghaddam S, Atun R, Vollmer S, Bärnighausen TW, Davies JI, Wexler DJ, Geldsetzer P, Rohloff P, Ramírez-Zea M, Heisler M, Manne-Goehler J. The state of diabetes treatment coverage in 55 low-income and middle-income countries: a cross-sectional study of nationally representative, individual-level data in 680 102 adults. Lancet Healthy Longev. 2021 Jun;2(6):e340-e351. doi: 10.1016/s2666-7568(21)00089-1. Epub 2021 May 21. PMID: 35211689; PMCID: PMC8865379.
- Raut A, Mustafayev R, Srinivasan R, Chary A, Ertem I, Grazioso MDP, Gupta S, Krishnamurthy V, Lu C, Maliye C, Miller AC, Wagenaar BH, Rohloff P. Hybrid type 1 effectiveness/implementation trial of the international Guide for Monitoring Child Development: protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2021 Sep 15;5(1):e001254. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2021-001254. PMID: 34604546; PMCID: PMC8444252.
- Wallace TC, Rohloff P, Jimenez EY, Proaño GV, Montenegro-Bethancourt G, McCabe GP, Steiber A. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Research Network: The Saqmolo' Project Rationale and Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Influence of Daily Complementary Feeding of Eggs on Infant Development and Growth in Guatemala. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2021 May 4:S2212-2672(21)00226-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2021.03.015. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33962902.
- Kulkarni SS, Katebi N, Valderrama CE, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. CNN-Based LCD Transcription of Blood Pressure From a Mobile Phone Camera. Front Artif Intell. 2021 May 21;4:543176. doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.543176. PMID: 34095816; PMCID: PMC8177819.
- Austad K, Juarez M, Shryer H, Hibberd PL, Drainoni ML, Rohloff P, Chary A. Improving the experience of facility-based delivery for vulnerable women through obstetric care navigation: a qualitative evaluation. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2021 Jun 11;21(1):425. doi: 10.1186/s12884-021-03842-1. PMID: 34116648; PMCID: PMC8193958.
- Miller AC, Tuiz E, Shaw L, Flood D, Garcia P, Dhaenens E, Thomson DR, Barnoya J, Montano CM, Rohloff P. Population Estimates of GFR and Risk Factors for CKD in Guatemala. Kidney Int Rep. 2021 Jan 1;6(3):796-805. doi: 10.1016/j.ekir.2020.12.015. PMID: 33732994; PMCID: PMC7938058. . Resumen ejecutivo en español
- Rosales MR, Rohloff P, Vanderbilt DL, Tripathi T, Valentini NC, Dusing S, Smith BA. Collecting Infant Environmental and Experiential Data Using Smartphone Surveys. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2021 Jan 01; 33(1):47-49.
- Juarez M, Dionicio C, Sacuj N, Lopez W, Miller AC, Rohloff P. Community-Based Interventions to Reduce Child Stunting in Rural Guatemala: A Quality Improvement Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(2):773.
- Rohloff, P. On the frontlines of chronic paediatric undernutrition in Guatemala. EBioMedicine.Volume 64, 103223, February 1, 2021.
- Chacón, V., Liu, Q., Park, Y., Rohloff, P. and Barnoya, J. (2021), Diet quality, school attendance, and body weight status in adolescent girls in rural Guatemala. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. https://nyaspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nyas.14558
- Guzmán-Abril A, Alajajian S, Rohloff P, Proaño GV, Brewer J, Jimenez EY. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Research Network: A Home Garden Intervention Improves Child Length-for-Age Z-Score and Household-Level Crop Count and Nutritional Functional Diversity in Rural Guatemala. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2021 May 18:S2212-2672(21)00230-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2021.04.002. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34020932.
- Juarez, M., Austad, K. and Rohloff, P., 2021. Out-of-Pocket Costs for Facility-Based Obstetrical Care in Rural Guatemala. Annals of Global Health, 87(1), p.75. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/aogh.3223
- Perry MF, Coyote EI, Austad K, Rohloff P, Why women choose to seek facility-level obstetrical care in rural Guatemala: A qualitative study. Midwifery, Volume 103, 2021, 103097, ISSN 0266-6138, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2021.103097
- Miller AC, Rohloff P, Blake A, Dhaenens E, Shaw L, Tuiz E, Grandesso F, Mendoza Montano C, Thomson DR. Feasibility of satellite image and GIS sampling for population representative surveys: a case study from rural Guatemala. Int J Health Geogr. 2020 Dec 5;19(1):56. doi: 10.1186/s12942-020-00250-0. PMID: 33278901; PMCID: PMC7718677.
- Valderrama CE, Marzbanrad F, Hall-Clifford R, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. A Proxy for Detecting IUGR Based on Gestational Age Estimation in a Guatemalan Rural Population. Front Artif Intell. 2020 Aug 7;3:56. doi: 10.3389/frai.2020.00056. PMID: 33733173; PMCID: PMC7861337.
- Webb M, Cuj M. Guatemala’s Public Health Messaging in Mayan Languages during the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Indigenous Social Development 2020; 9(3):102-109.
- Miller AC, Tuiz E, Shaw L, Flood D, Garcia P, Dhaenens E, Thomson D, Barnoya J, Mendoza Montano C, Rohloff P. Population estimates of Glomerular Filtration Rate and Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease in Guatemala. Kidney International Reports. December 31, 2020. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ekir.2020.12.015
- Flood D, Hane J, Dunn M, Brown SJ, Wagenaar BH, Rogers EA, Heisler M, Rohloff P, Chopra V. Health system interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS Med 2020 Nov 12;17(11):e1003434
- Garcia P, Mendoza C, Barnoya J, Monzon J, Miller AC, Aguilar-Gónzalez A, Boj J, Cifuentes A, Dávila P, Flood D, Guzmán-Quilo C, Hernandez A, Lou-Meda R, Palacios E, Sánchez-Polo V, Sosa R, Rohloff P. CKD care and research in Guatemala: Overview and meeting report. Kidney Int Rep 2020 Jul 2; 5(9):1567-1575.
- Nandi M, Kurschner S, Wilcox K, Flood D, Montano CM, Barnoya J, Rohloff P, Chary A. Perceptions of chronic kidney disease among at-risk adults in rural Guatemala. Glob Public Health 2020 Nov 8;1-16.
- Valderrama Cuadros CE, Katebi N, Marzbanrad F, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. A review of fetal cardiac monitoring, with a focus on low- and middle-income countries. Physiol Meas 2020 Oct 26. doi.org/10.1088/1361-6579/abc4c7
- Webb MF, Martinez B, Rodas P, Gonzalez A, Rohloff P, del Pilar Grazioso M. Language Interpretation in the Administration of Bayley Scales of Infant Development III in an Indigenous Population in Guatemala. WAIMH Perspectives in Infant Mental Health. 2020. Epub 15 May 2020.
- Alajajian S, Guzmán-Abril AP, Brewer J, Rohloff P. Patrones alimentarios y agrícolas de hogares con niños desnutridos en dos comunidades indígenas con distinto nivel socioeconómico en Guatemala. Estudios Sociales 2020; 30:55
- Garcia A, Nandi M, Mux S, Chary A, Austad K. Contraception during COVID-19: experiences from rural, indigenous communities in Guatemala. Med Anthrol Quarterly, June 19, 2020.
- Zhang D, Advani S, Waller J, Cupertino AP, Hurtado-de-Mendoza A, Chicaiza A, Rohloff PJ, Akinyemiju TF, Gharzouzi E, Huchko MJ, Barnoya J, Braithwaite D. Mobile Technologies and Cervical Cancer Screening in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. JCO Glob Oncol. 2020 Apr;6:617-627. doi: 10.1200/JGO.19.00201.
- Valderrama CE, Marzbanrad F, Juarez M, Hall-Clifford R, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. Estimating birth weight from observed postnatal weights in a Guatemalan highland community. Physiol Meas. 2020 Mar 6;41(2):025008. doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/ab7350.
- Flood D, Wilcox K, Ferro AA, Mendoza Montano C, Barnoya J, Garcia P, Lou-Meda R, Rohloff P, Chary A. Challenges in the provision of kidney care at the largest public nephrology center in Guatemala: a qualitative study with health professionals. BMC Nephrol. 2020 Feb 28;21(1):71. doi: 10.1186/s12882-020-01732-w. Informe en español
- Nandi M, Moore J, Colom M, Quezada ADRG, Chary A, Austad K. Insights Into Provider Bias in Family Planning from a Novel Shared Decision Making Based Counseling Initiative in Rural, Indigenous Guatemala. Glob Health Sci Pract. 2020 Mar 31;8(1):10-17. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-19-00377.
- Cnop K, Martinez B, Austad KE. Resistant dermatomyositis in a rural indigenous Maya woman. BMJ Case Rep. 2019 Feb 21;12(2):e223886. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2017-223886.
- Cordon A, Asturias G, De Vries T, Rohloff P. Advancing child nutrition science in the scaling up nutrition era: a systematic scoping review of stunting research in Guatemala. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2019 Dec 31;3(1):e000571. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2019-000571. Versión en espanol
- Flood D, Canú WL, Chary A, Rohloff P. Comments on "A multicountry randomized controlled trial of comprehensive maternal nutrition supplementation initiated before conception: the Women First trial". Am J Clin Nutr. 2019 Aug 1;110(2):526-527. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqz106.
- Austad K, Juarez M, Shryer H, Morataya C, Rohloff P. Obstetric care navigation: results of a quality improvement project to provide accompaniment to women for facility-based maternity care in rural Guatemala. BMJ Qual Saf. 2019 Nov 2. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009524. Spanish translation-
- Wilcox K, Flood D, Aguilar A, Dhaenens E, Garcia P, Miller A, Mendoza C, Lou-Meda R, Rohloff P, Chary A. Provision de servicios de diálisis en Guatemala: un estudio cualitativo.
- Flood D, Chary A, Rohloff P, Henderson B. Language as health: healing in indigenous communities in Guatemala through the revitalization of Mayan languages. In: Avineri N, Graham LR, Johnson EJ, Riner RC, Rosa J, editors. Language and social justice in practice. New York: Routledge; 2019.
- Moore J, Baird C, Rohloff P. Fluid illness: dialysis, undercare, and the social life of kidney disease in rural Guatemala. Med Anthropol Theory 2019 17 Apr; doi.org/10.17157/mat.6.1.616
- Flood D, Petersen A, Martinez B, Chary A, Austad K, Rohloff P. Associations between contraception and stunting in Guatemala: secondary analysis of the 2014–2015 Demographic and Health Survey. BMJ Paeds Open 2019 3(1):e000510
- Kurschner S, Madrigal L, Chacon V, Barnoya J, Rohloff P. Impact of school and work status on diet and physical activity in rural guatemalan adolescent girls: a qualitative study. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2019 July 30. doi: 10.1111/nyas.14183
- Valderrama CE, Stroux L, Katebi N, Paljug E, Hall-Clifford R, Rohloff P, Marzbanrad F, Clifford GD.An open source autocorrelation-based method for fetal heart rate estimation from one-dimensional Doppler ultrasound. Physiol Meas. 2019 Feb 26;40(2):025005.
- Juarez M, Austad K, Rohloff P. Lay Midwives: On the Front Lines of the Fight Against Maternal Mortality in Rural Guatemala. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2019 Feb;100(2):237-238.
- Smith BA, Hall ML, Greenspan B, Rohloff P, Prosser LA, Lobo MA.Wearables for Pediatric Rehabilitation: How to Optimally Design and Utilize Products to Meet the Needs of Users. Phys Ther. 2019 Feb 27. pii: pzz024. doi: 10.1093/ptj/pzz024.
- Baird C, Rohloff P. Educación Para El Autocuidado de Diabetes Tipo Dos en Guatemala: Una Revision de la Literatura. Wuqu’ Kawoq | Alianza Maya para la Salud: Tecpan, Guatemala; 2019.
- Martinez B, Cardona S, Rodas P, et al. Developmental outcomes of an individualised complementary feeding intervention for stunted children: a substudy from a larger randomised controlled trial in Guatemala. BMJ Paediatr Open 2018;2(1):e000314.
- Colom M, Austad K, Sacuj N, et al. Expanding access to primary healthcare for women through a microfinance institution: A case study from rural Guatemala. Healthc (Amst) 2018;6(4):223-30.
- Flood D. Poverty, Genocide, and Superbugs: A Carbapenem-Resistant Wound Infection in Rural Guatemala. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2018;99(3):561-62.
- Colom M, Rohloff P. Cultural considerations for informed consent in paediatric research in low/middle-income countries: a scoping review. BMJ Paediatr Open 2018;2(1):e000298.
- Austad K, Shah P, Rohloff P. Correlates of long-acting reversible contraception uptake among rural women in Guatemala. PLOS One 2018; doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0199536
- Martinez B, Ixen EC, Hall-Clifford R, Juarez M, Miller AC, Francis A, Valderrama CE, Stroux L, Clifford GD, Rohloff P. mHealth intervention to improve the continuum of maternal and perinatal care in rural Guatemala: a pragmatic, randomized controlled feasibility trial. Reproductive Health 2018;15:120.
- Austad K, Chary A, Xocop SM, Messmer S, King N, Carlson L. Rohloff P. Barriers to Cervical Cancer Screening and the Cervical Cancer Care Continuum in Rural Guatemala: A Mixed-Method Analysis. J Glob Oncol 2018 July:(4)1-10. doi: 10.1200/JGO.17.00228.
- Martinez B, Webb MF, Gonzalez A, Douglas K, Grazioso MdP, Rohloff P. Complementary feeding intervention on stunted Guatemalan children: a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Paediatrics Open 2018;2.
- Flood D, Chary A, Austad K, Coj M, Lopez W, Rohloff P. Patient Navigation and Access to Cancer Care in Guatemala. J Glob Oncol 2018:1-3.
- Flood D, Chary A, Colom A, Rohloff P. Adolescent rights and the “first 1,000 days” global nutrition movement: A view from Guatemala. Health and Human Rights Journal 2018 Jun;20(1):295-301.
- Webb MF. Transnational Migration's Psychosocial Impacts for Kaqchikel Maya Migrants' Wives. Human Organization 2018;77:32-41.
- Moore J, Garcia P, Rohloff P, Flood D. Treatment of end-stage renal disease with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in rural Guatemala. BMJ Case Reports 2018: online first.
- Flood D, Rohloff P. Indigenous language and global health. Lancet Glob Health 2018 Feb;6(2):e134-135.
- Flood D, Garcia P, Douglas K, Hawkins J, Rohloff P. Screening for chronic kidney disease in a community-based diabetes cohort in rural Guatemala: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2018 Jan 21:8(1):e019778.
- Colom M, Austad K, Sacuj N, Larson K, Rohloff P. Expanding access to primary healthcare for women through a microfinance institution: A case study from rural Guatemala. Healthc (Amst). 2018 Feb 7.
- Austad K, Chary A, Martinez B, Juarez M, Martin YJ, Ixen EC, Rohloff P. Obstetric care navigation: a new approach to promote respectful maternity care and overcome barriers to safe motherhood. Reprod Health. 2017 Nov 13; 14(1):148.
- Flood DC, Chary AN, Austad K, Garcia P, Rohloff PJ. A patient navigation system to minimize barriers for peritoneal dialysis in rural, low-resource settings: case study from Guatemala. Kidney Int Reports 2017.
- Chary A, Flood D, Austad K, Colom M, Hawkins J, Cnop K, Martinez B, Lopez W, Rohloff P. Accompanying indigenous Maya patients with complex medical needs: A patient navigation system in rural Guatemala. Healthc (Amst). 2017 Sep 14. pii: S2213-0764(17)30177-X.
- Flood, Hawkins J, Rohloff P. Evaluation of a Home-Based Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management Intervention in Rural Guatemala, 2014–2016. Preventing Chronic Disease 2017.
- Hall-Clifford R, Roche S, Fathima S, Palmius N, Hollingworth K, Kennedy J, Merida J, Stephens M, Lavalley R, Rohloff P, Garcia P, Patrick S, Clifford G. Sustainable Technology for Surgical Referrals: Pilot Implementation of an Electronic Referral System for Short-Term Surgical Missions. J Health Informatics in Dev Countries. 2017; 11(2).
- Martinez B, Hall-Clifford R, Coyote E, Stroux L, Valderrama CE, Aaron C, Francis A, Hendren C, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. Agile Development of a Smartphone App for Perinatal Monitoring in a Resource-Constrained Setting. J Health Informatics in Dev Countries. 2017; 11:158.
- Martinez B, Flood D, Knop K, Guzman A, Rohloff P. Improving infant and young child nutrition in a highly stunted rural community: A practical case study from Guatemala. In: Preedy VR, Patel VB, eds. Famine, starvation and nutrient deprivation: from cells to policy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing; 2017.
- Flood D, Douglas K, Goldberg V, Martinez B, Garcia P, Arbour M, Rohloff P. A quality improvement project using statistical process control methods for type 2 diabetes control in a resource-limited setting. Int J Qual Health Care 2017.
- Moore J, Webb MF, Chary A, Kraemer Díaz A, Rohloff P. Aid and gendered subjectivity in rural Guatemala. Journal of Development Studies. 2017;53:2164
- Flood D, Mathieu I, Chary A, Garcia P, Rohloff P. Perceptions and utilization of generic medications in Guatemala: A mixed-methods study with physicians and pharmacy staff. BMC Health Services Research 2017; 17:27.
- Stroux L, Martinez B, Ixen EC, King N, Hall-Clifford R, Rohloff P, Clifford GD. (2016). An mHealth monitoring system for traditional birth attendant-led antenatal risk assessment in rural Guatemala, Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology.
- Martinez B, Webb MF, Rodas P, Gonzalez A, del Pilar Grazioso M, Rohloff P. (2016). Field report: Early child development in rural Guatemala. Perspectives in Infant Mental Health. 24(1-2):6-8.
- Chary A, Flood D, Austad A, Moore J, King N, Martinez B, Garcia P, Lopez W, Dasgupta-Tsikinas S, Rohloff P. (2016). Navigating Bureaucracy: Accompanying Indigenous Maya Patients with Complex Healthcare Needs in Guatemala. Human Organization. 75:305-14.
- Flood F, Chary A, Austad K, Kraemer Díaz A, Garcia P, Martinez B, Lopez Canu W, Rohloff P. (2016). Insights into global health practice from the agile software design movement. Global Health Action. 9:29836.
- Austad K, Chary A, Colom A, Barillas R, Luna D, Menjivar C, Metz B, Petrocy A, Ruch A, Rohloff P. Fertility awareness methods are not modern contraceptives: defining contraception to reflect our priorities. Glob Health Sci Pract. 2016;4:342-5.
- Flood D, Mux S, Martinez B, García P, Douglas K, Goldberg V, Lopez W, Rohloff P. Implementation and outcomes of a comprehensive type 2 Diabetes program in rural Guatemala. PLoS One. 2016; 11:e0161152.
- Webb MF, Chary AN, De Vries TT, Davis S, Dykstra M, Flood D, Rhodes MH, Rohloff P. Exploring mechanisms of food insecurity in indigenous agricultural communities in Guatemala: a mixed methods study. BMC Nutrition. 2016; 2:55.
- Chary A and Rohloff P (Eds). (2015). Privatization and the New Medical Pluralism: Shifting Healthcare Landscapes in Maya Guatemala. Lanham: Lexington Books.
- King N, Chary A, Rohloff P. (2015). “Leveraging Resources in contemporary Maya midwifery.” In Privatization and the New Medical Pluralism: Shifting Healthcare Landscapes in Maya Guatemala. Chary A and Rohloff P (Eds). Lanham: Lexington Books. Pp 123-140.
- Flood D and Rohloff P. (2015). “This Disease is for Those Who Can Afford It”: Diabetes in Indigenous Maya Communities. In Privatization and the New Medical Pluralism: Shifting Healthcare Landscapes in Maya Guatemala. Chary A and Rohloff P (Eds). Lanham: Lexington Books. Pp 51-68.
- Rohloff P and Henderson B. (2015). Development, Language Revitalization, and Culture: The case of the Mayan Languages of Guatemala, and Their Relevance for African Languages. In Language Documentation and Endangerment in Africa (Eds Essegbey J, Henderson B, and McLaughlin F). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing company. Pp 177-194.
- Stroux L, King NE, Fathima SN, Hall-Clifford R, Rohloff P, Clifford GD (2014). A low-cost perinatal monitoring system for use in rural Guatemala. Appropriate Healthcare Technologies for Low Resource Settings.
- Fathima SN, Palmius N, Clifton D, Rohloff P, Clifford GD, Hall-Clifford R.(2014). Sanitation-related disease surveillance using community health promoters and mobile phone technology. Appropriate Healthcare Technologies for Low Resource Settings.
- Wehr H, Chary A, Webb MF, Rohloff P. (2014). Implications of gender and household roles in Indigenous Maya communities in Guatemal for child nutrition interventions. International J of Indigenous Health 10:99-112.
- Chary AN, Rohloff PJ. (2014). Major challenges to scale up of visual inspection-based cervical cancer prevention programs: the experience of Guatemalan NGOs. Glob Health Sci Pract. 2:307-17.
- Brown K, Henretty N, Chary A, Webb MF, Wehr H, Moore J, Baird C, Díaz AK, Rohloff P. Mixed-methods study identifies key strategies for improving infant and young child feeding practices in a highly stunted rural indigenous population in Guatemala. Matern Child Nutr.
- Henderson B, Rohloff P, Henderson R. (2014). More than words: towards a development-based approach to language revitalization. Language Documentation and Conservation Journal 8:75-91.
- Chary A, Messmer S, Sorenson E, Henretty N, Dasgupta S, Rohloff P. (2013). The normalization of childhood disease: An ethnographic study of child malnutrition in rural Guatemala. Human Organization 72:88-97.
- Chary A, Kraemer Díaz A, Henderson B, Rohloff P. (2013). The changing role of indigenous lay midwives in Guatemala: New frameworks for analysis. Midwifery 29:852-858.
- Kraemer A and Rohloff P. (2013). Guatemala. In Building Partnerships in the Americas: A Guide for Global Health Workers. (M Krasnoff, Ed). Dartmouth: University Press of New England.
- Tummons E, Henderson R and Rohloff P. (2012). Language Revitalization and the Problem of Development in Guatemala: Case Studies from Health Care. Symposium on Teachng and Learning Languages of Latin America. University of Notre Dame.
- Chary A, Greiner M, Bowers C, Rohloff P. (2012). Determining adult type 2 diabetes related health care needs in an indigenous population from rural Guatemala: A mixed methods preliminary study. BMC Health Services Research 12:476.
- Rohloff P, Kraemer Diaz A, Ajsivinac Sian J. (eds). (2011). Nïm chuwäch k’iyirisanem: Tajin runuk’ik’ ruk’aslem ri chwa’q kab’ij pan Iximulew. Bethel, VT: Wuqu' Kawoq.
- Tummons E, Henderson R and Rohloff P. (2011). “So that we don’t lose words:” Reconstructing a Kaqchikel medical lexicon. First Biennial Symposium on Teaching Indigenous Languages in Latin America. Indiana University.
- Chary A, Messmer S, Rohloff P. (2011). Male Influence on Infant Feeding in Rural Guatemala and Implications for Child Nutrition Interventions. Breastfeeding Medicine 6:227-31.
- Rohloff P, Kraemer Diaz A, Dasgupta S.(2011). “Beyond development “– A critical appraisal of the emergence of small health care non-governmental organizations in rural Guatemala. Human Organization 70:427-437.
- Chary, A., Dasgupta, S., & Rohloff, P. (2011). Breastfeeding, subjugation, and empowement in rural Guatemala. In An Anthropology of Mothering (M Walks & N McPherson, Eds.). Toronto: Demeter Press.
- Rohloff P and Sotz Mux M (2008). Tiqaq’omaj qi’. Bethel, VT: Wuqu’ Kawoq.